Enjoy the science-fantasy action adventure with terrific tints, great graphics and compelling story-telling. They sit between traditional strips and a 3-D style of photorealistic drama.

doubt on the validity of the old cliche : To spread oil on troubled waters. Their quest will take them to the edge of madness and face to face with an evil so old and ancient- it has turned monsters into myths and the hopeless into heroes. The next sacrifice we have made to the God of technology is our water. Two unlikely warriors embark on an epic journey to rid their world of the alien Daemons. Drew Spence continues to craft and cut the story of Killer Butterfly in issue 04: The Bridge is Over Troubled Waters. A chance encounter may be the last encounter for Kuse the Butterfly and Odion of the Jaguar Clan. What mysterious creature lurks at the Pass to Nowhere? What lies beneath the surface of still waters? There are questions to be answered and mysteries to be solved.