Each time you reawaken from a death, you begin at your last bonfire, which function as Dark Souls’ safe havens. These things happen and they’re a fact of life in Dark Souls. Other times it’ll be because an enemy snuck up behind you or because his sword went through a wall in a way you didn’t expect. Sometimes it’ll be because your skills weren’t up to par. Maybe it’ll be because you went up against something you weren’t ready for. Take your time and don’t worry about dying

You might be afraid of getting into the series due to its notorious difficulty, but it is possible to get into Dark Souls III - and even fall in love with it.

Two expansions have been released since Dark Souls III launched in 2016, offering even more terrifying environments and bosses for brave travelers. It’s still no walk in the park, but it might not be as ruthless as previous titles. Dark Souls III is arguably a more easygoing Souls game than its predecessors, however, in that it gives players a little more leeway as they learn and provides something of an easier time getting into the game. The Dark Souls series is notoriously challenging, and while it has become popular among gamers in the last few years exactly for that difficulty, it remains a bit inscrutable and overwhelming for many players.