The surface area was just too small for the glue to take hold. I tried gluing the plastic knobs back on, but it didn’t work. As it turns out, the ear cup is only held on by two little plastic knobs that the ear cup snaps onto, and they were now broken. My Beats headphones got dropped a while back and the right ear cup got detached from the headband. It’s all in the video, but because videos can be bandwidth intensive and use up your data allotment, I summarize it all here in pictures and text. This instructable shows how I resolved both these issues, and got back to enjoying my favorite tunes. If this happens, the wire that carries the audio to the speakers can become detached as well.

Unfortunately, they are not very durable, and if they get dropped or set down too hard the ear cups can separate from the headband.

Dre, the stylish and great sounding headphones.